In the London coffee shops of old, (which means most coffeeshops that I tried to avoid) people would sprinkle cocoa on your espresso while making a cappuccino. Leaving the poor populace with the impression that a cappuccino was some sort of chocolate coffee drink. I unfortunately encountered this practice at Climpson & Sons. I will say that when I visited in January, the barista did not do this and since it was Easter Monday there was a replacement barista but this cocoa stuff coming between me and my cappuccino is just madness. Can someone start a campaign to end this?
I could not buy beans at this store so I had to get them at a store later in my tour that carries their beans. Generally, Climpson & Sons is highly respected as roasters on the London scene. There was always a good flow of people and I bumped into Cameron, the barista from Flat White, on my way out the door. People who know and love coffee go to Climpsons. I had a chance to taste their coffee sans cocoa and found it to be mellow but loosing its stronger elements when served with milk resulting in a laid back effect. It is a solid blend but it does not take many risks. That said, I have a lot of respect for them and how they have helped to raised the bar in UK coffee. Check out this video about their humble beginnings.

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